Monday, February 23, 2009


Today, it is cold, very rainy and windy, very dark and ominous.

So naturally, I chose today to do my shopping for the week!

Happily, it was an excuse to whip out my buttery-yellow raincoat, and my Funbrella!

(Picture from this past summer)
My nana left me this umbrella, all trimmed in silk roses.
Everywhere I go with it, it makes people smile.
And if they ask me about it, I get to tell them all about my Nana, who loved flowers.
I like to think it would make her happy, to know it's still making people smile :D

~ Amy


Blogger Liz said...

Well, you certainly make me smile. It's so nice to know someone who isn't afraid to dress creatively instead of following the crowd. Some days I wish I had your verve. Someplace I read that when you get old it's ok to wear purple and red together and to dress however you like. You have managed to have the courage to dress how you like (in the very coolest of fashion btw) and you haven't even hit 25 yet. Just don't let Clinton and Stacy ever get their hands on you because they'd turn you into yet another Stepford clone... I LOVE the umbrella. My kids would probably die if I dressed anything like you (and somehow it doesn't seem really appropriate for an about to be grandmother,but if you ever want to offer fashion advice to someone who loves Agatha Christie, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Jane Austen, who prefers comfortable shoes to stilettos, and who can't stand anything too tight, too itchy, too vinyl or too short, well bring it on... Miss Marple meets Meg Murray perhaps...Seriously, I do have days when I consider dressing like one of the Mrs. W's in A Wrinkle in Time. Actually I think I may have days when I actually do (I just don't leave the house on those days).

5:30 AM  
Blogger LNA said...

Nana would be pleased Amy!

9:32 AM  

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